Thursday, June 7, 2012

Yum yum!

I've started eating some solid food this month! Here's some pics of me enjoying some sweet potato and some banana. I'm only just getting the hang of it and it's lots of fun.

6 months old!

I'm having a great time this month and I'm nearly 6 months old! Mummy has arms of steel from carrying me around. This month I'm getting really good at sitting up, and I love making a gurgling sound when I'm lying on my back. I'm also getting better at tummy time. Here's me in a few pics. The first one is me at the park with mummy while she does her exercises. I'm wearing a jacket from Granny and an all-in-one from Aunty Emma. The next one is me in the stroller wearing a jacket from uncle Ray. And the last one is me at mother's group with mummy.